Marble Effect Rotational Rotomoulding Powder

Marble Effect Rotational Rotomoulding Powder from Magicroto is of the highest quality. The marble effect, with its subtle relief on hard-to-reach areas, is achieved by applying the powder to rubber, fibreglass, stone and other surfaces where a smooth surface is needed. Our fantastic team of experienced specialists has done extensive study on the marble and stone effect and how it affects the aesthetic aspect of your home, knowing how crucial it is to use marble effect powders for the rotational moulding process. Despite the fact that marbles are more expensive than ceramic tiles, people are drawn to their beauty and feel. Each user can directly influence the appearance of the marble or stone by adjusting the time and temperature in which it is passed.
This rotomoulding powder was developed exclusively for the furniture industry and is one of our company’s most profitable products. These goods have the potential to revolutionise the industry as a whole. We produce, supply, and export a variety of powder grades for use in a variety of sectors. Made from pure white limestone dust, marble makes all types of decoration beautiful, more so than tiles, and hence marble effect powder is one of the most fabulous products in the rotomoulding industry.